Parting thoughts
As we part we would like to leave you with these thoughts.
Seek to know the Lord
In the times of the prophet Hosea there was no knowledge of God in the land. God was not happy.
Hos 4:1 Listen to the word of the LORD, O sons of Israel, for the LORD has a case against the inhabitants of the land, because there is no faithfulness or kindness or knowledge of God in the land.
Hos 6:6 For I delight in loyalty rather than sacrifice, and in the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
We see that God is delighted when we have the true knowledge of God but is disappointed when there is no knowledge of God in the land.
Around 100 years later, God made an amazing statement through the prophet Jeremiah. Here is what He said.
Jer 31:34 "They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them," declares the LORD, "for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."
This is the amazing promise that we have from God – that we will all know Him directly and will not need to be taught by another. We know that this promise refers to the new covenant because it is also quoted in Heb 8:11 as being a promise explicitly of the new covenant. This was not a promise that not everyone could claim in the old covenant. We would be foolish if we didn’t make good use of what is available to us.
God generally doesn’t allow man to boast about anything. But there is an exception. Here it is.
Jer 9:24 "but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things," declares the LORD.
Why does God make such an exception? Because the only thing of real value in this world is an understanding and knowledge of God. That is what we should strive for. That is what eternal life is (Jn 17:3).
Jn 17:3 "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
Moses was a very wise man. Long before Jeremiah, he knew what was most valuable, and when he had an opportunity to get it he didn’t hesitate; he took the opportunity.
Ex 33:13 "Now therefore, I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight. Consider too, that this nation is Your people."
If you were in Moses’ place would you be wise enough to do the same thing?
When we know the ways of God then we are able to find favor in His sight. Having favor with the Lord is a very valuable thing. A friend of the President of the USA is a big thing. How much bigger it is to have favor in God’s sight!
Peter realized that and so he wrote this:
2 Pet 3:18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
The apostle John knew this too, and that is why he wrote this.
3 Jn 1:4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.
If the apostle John got so overjoyed to hear of his children walking in the truth (i.e. applying the knowledge of God) think about how happy your Father in heaven will be to see you doing the same.