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A scriptural approach to getting sound doctrine
To find sound doctrine concerning a particular topic, do the following:
- First, humbly acknowledge that you are totally dependent on the Holy Spirit for the correct interpretation. Why? This is because, as we saw in an earlier section, sound doctrine is only revealed through the Holy Spirit. No man is the source of sound doctrine. Even your own mind cannot reveal sound doctrine to you.
- Next, pray for guidance and for an understanding of Scripture.
- Next, ensure that you do not fall in any category of people from whom sound doctrine is hidden from. These categories are described in an earlier section.
- In addition, ensure that you have all the qualities of people to whom sound doctrine is revealed to. These qualities are described in an earlier section.
- Next, you must be willing to change your beliefs no matter what the cost is. You will do this if you love the truth more than anything else.
- Next, be prepared to change your lifestyle based on what the Holy Spirit reveals to you. The Holy Spirit does not reveal knowledge to us to make us smarter but to make us holier.
- Then, forget what everybody else says. Open your mind to the Holy Spirit and be prepared to accept His revelation. Even godly men can be wrong in certain things (Ac 16:3, Ac 11:2-3, Gal 2:11-14).
- Then find ALL the verses that apply to the topic (2 Tm 3:16-17).
Use a concordance and a reference Bible. Software packages can make this easier.
Read the Bible to be very familiar with it.
- Then remove any confusion in terminology (1 Cor 14:33).
Compare Scripture with Scripture in order to decide what terms are equivalent and what means what.
Study the life of Jesus, and see how this truth is exemplified by the life of Jesus.
- Then form an opinion that is logically sound and consistent and fits ALL the verses you’ve found (2 Tm 3:16, 17). It is the sum of God’s Word that is truth (Ps 119:160). Jn 10:35 and Mt 5:18 say that Scripture cannot be broken i.e. it cannot be wrong or discounted or nullified. If there are loopholes or inconsistencies in your doctrine, seek God for wisdom. Also recheck your list of verses.
- Finally, study other people’s position on the same subject and see if you’ve missed anything. If yes, humbly admit it and change your position. If not, with God’s help, and with deep humility, search Scripture for verses to counter the other arguments. Don’t forget the following:
Be gentle, patient when wrong, able to teach and not quarrelsome (2 Tm 2:24,25).
Do not sharply rebuke older men, but appeal to them (1 Tm 5:1).
Your motive should be to bring all the maturity, speaking the truth in love (Eph 4:15).
Maintain the correct balance between purity and other things (Jas 3:17) so that you may not compromise.