Nahum Final Comments

The prophecy that God gave to Nahum was for the Assyrians. But all Scripture is written for our instruction. So there must be something that we can take from it. What is that something?

I think that that something is the way that God deals with people. Specifically:

  • God does not leave the guilty unpunished – if you hurt others God will take a note of it. Sinning against others is more serious than sinning against yourself.
  • You can hurt others by cheating them of money or time, or by destroying their reputation, or by speaking evil of them behind their back, or by deceiving them, or by getting them to believe something so that you can get something from them, and so many other ways.
  • God loves those who trust Him. He is a strong refuge to them. But God also disciplines those whom He loves. Sometimes he uses others to discipline them.
  • When people are cruel to others God takes notice. When the ones God uses to discipline His people go overboard in their discipline God does not like it and becomes their enemy.
  • When people don’t acknowledge God or give glory to God in their successes or don’t feel the need for God then God becomes their enemy.
  • When you lead people away from God then God becomes your enemy.
  • However, God is slow to anger and gives the guilty time to repent.
  • Once the time available for repenting has passed, God’s vengeance comes as a flood to destroy.
  • When you see chaos and confusion come into your life, and when you begin to make bad decisions then you know that God is opposing you. You need to act quickly and repent and make restitution if you have hurt anyone.

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